Hooray!! Our buddies Matt Fraction and Kelly Sue DeConnick have produced their most awesome collaboration to date, in the person of young master Henry Leo DeFraction! The proud parents demonstrate their utter lack of respect for traditional naming conventions, true to form. We applaud! Congratulations to Matt and Kelly Sue: let us all hoist a glass at our very next opportunity.
Photo by (I believe) Laurenn McCubbin, which I swiped from Warren Ellis' site, which I was directed to by Tom Spurgeon. And correction of my grossly erroneous posting of young DeFraction's real name courtesy of K. Thor Jensen: his new son's name is Henry Jared Llewoh Jensen. It takes a village. Congratulations to the many people involved with all of these babies!
Congrats to the daddy and mommy.
B-E-A-U-TIFUL! This kids got it made! His daddy writes Iron Fist, HOW COOL!!!
Looks like you're a little confused, boss - Fraction's kid is one of TWO cartoonist's sons named Henry born in the same week! His (pictured above) is Henry Leo DeFraction. Mine (I am K. Thor Jensen, writer of RED EYE, BLACK EYE from Alternative Comics) is Henry Jared Llewoh Jensen.
Great snakes! Many apologies for uninentionally crediting your accomplishment to other parents! I wonder if your two sons will share any psychic bonds throughout their lives? Food for thought. I've corrected the posting--please help yourself to our felicitous congratulations as well, K. Thor!
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