I invite you to please go and check out the officially out-of-the-box new release of www.heroesonline.com/, which represents the last couple of months of work for a certain Creative Director. Please feel free to comment--especially if you notice any typo's or other gaffs. Praise is of course expected welcomed, as well. Now that that's out of the way, Todd and I will have a lot more time to watch Flight of the Conchords episodes. Finally.
Nice job. You're hard work has paid off.
Hey a new look! I was checking what I had to pick up today and none of my old links worked...now I know why!
the best gets better. Afan friendly store with a fan friendly site and fan friendly BLOG. The site literally evokes the great customer service and delightful atmosphere of the store. Great job-- now get back to work....
Shucks, fellas.
Snazzy new look y'all! Good job.
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