Well, I told you yesterday that you never knew who would stop by our store while he was in town for the Novello Festival--of course I knew he would. Tee-hee! Anyway, Jeff Smith did indeed stop by last night, and a few lucky customers got to meet him, mercilessly force him to sign their Bone's and the new Shazam hardcovers, and generally delay his dinner until after 9:30 or so. Shameless! I took a few grainy, uninformative pictures, which you can see right here. Enjoy if you dare!
My beard has begun to scare me!
Do I wear it, or does it wear me?
Jeff Smith, super guy, super artist, great creator! It is one of the best perks of worling in the store, to meet folks who entertain and inspire you!
I wonder if Jeff Smith would have named his spectacular, career-defining masterpiece something different if he'd known that someday, the words "mercilessly force him to sign their Bone's" would be typed?
Er...changing the subject: did you see that great picture of you in my SPX report, Rob?
I just wish I'd been around to meet Jeff Smith and have him sign my books myself, instead of getting Shawn to get them signed for me. Thanks, Shawn!
Yeah, you owe Shawn AND Jeff one! What a stack you had! Made my humble stack feel quite dimunitive, but what a guy. He signed everything we stuck in front of'im! Thanks Jeff! You rock!
You're welcome Jason! I had a great time meeting Jeff. He is a super sweet guy.
I must have just missed him! Sketch Charlotte ran until 8-ish (ahem...Rusty) and I strolled right by the store...ah well, you never can tell who'll show up at Heroes! Another great get guys!
"Er...changing the subject: did you see that great picture of you in my SPX report, Rob?"
I did, pally...thanks for the nod! i liked it so much, in fact, that I stoled it and put it on my blog! I credited ya, 'natch.
All kidding aside, having Jeff Smith as a guest in your store is an awesome, colossal deal. Sounds like he was a super-nice guy, too (though I've never known him to be otherwise)> Nice going, Heroes!
You know, Rusty, my stack wasn't really that big - it was only like eight things. But the thickness of those hardcovers adds up, and that Bone one-volume edition is like the size of two phone books! It just looked like more than it really was. Don't hate!
Yeah, my apologies Big Dog...duty called! Gotta do, whatcha gotta do! But you missed meeting a GREAT GUY! I hear Shelton showed him such a great time, he'll probably be back for more!
And Jason, I can't hate, my stack was pretty large too.
If anyone is interested, I just uploaded some more Jeff Smith-related photos on our Flickr page: http://www.flickr.com/photos/heroesonline/sets/72157602505409949/
It's from when we went and saw Shelton's new favorite country singer last Friday.
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