I'm back, baby! SPX was a blast, and one of the most pleasant trips I've made for the store yet. Pleasant in an exhausting way, I mean, but pleasant nonetheless. I won't bore you with the details here: to become fully bored, stroll on over to the exhaustive photo report I wasted half of my day off yesterday uploading to our Flickr page. Lots of the goodness and namedropping you've come to expect!
WOW-- Did you talk to Roger Langridge? What was he like? For my money Fred the Clown is one of the great books of the last few years.
So...what books looked great? Do you have any surprises for Heroescon? C'mon cough it up!!!
Roger Langridge was like a dream of what you want meeting a great artist to be like. He was humble to the point of prostration, very gracious in accepting my praise, and only protested a little out of politeness when I'd buy him beers. I like someone that's not afraid to accept a gift.
As for books, I'm just starting on the stack. Like I say in the report, "The Mourning Star" was SO GOOD--I'm going to try and get some direct from Bodega for the store. Also Papercutter, which is published by Tugboat Press out of Portland. Three stories per issue, all with up-and-comers on the mini-comics scene. Good stuff.
Great report. Captain Internet here (that's me!) didnt realize there was copy under every photo as I ran the slideshow. I have placed the order with Bodega and I am now searching high and low for Tugboat Press.
I hope you mentioned where you heard about it! I'm going to try and get a wholesale order from them, so let me know if you (or anyone else in the Charlotte are, if you're listening) need anything.
I second getting the Mourning Star. I got it at Heroes Con this summer (the Silver Bullet booth was littered with them) and enjoyed it immensely. Any chance we can maybe try and get Kaz Strezpik to come to Heroes Con. I know I can talk to him in a few weeks when he comes to Comics Art Forum down here in Savannah.
Well if you do, don't tell him you spell his name like that. It's Strzepek (geez!). There is an invitation in the water, although that's a lot of trip for him--I think he's from Portland or Seattle or some other land near the Great Western Sea.
I think that Shelton should have Rusty, Andy, and I pick all of the West Coast people by some sort of automotive transportation in a mass road trip sort of thing. Heroes Con Tourbus anyone?
Sorry Dano, don't think that would happen. Now, if Rosario would be on that bus.....
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