Friday, December 28, 2007

Charlotte Minicon :: Dave Johnson, Budd Root, and Andy Smith Join Roster!

Well, I've been trying to tell you guys that we had some big names in store for January's Charlotte Minicon--just added to the roster are Andy Smith (52, World War III, Klaw) and Budd Root (Cavewoman), both of whom are always in high demand for sketches at shows.

And if they aren't enough, Dave Johnson, the artist of Superman: Red Son and cover artist for every issue of the acclaimed 100 Bullets, has just signed up as well! Due to circumstances beyond his control, Dave was forced to cancel his appearance at last summer's HeroesCon at the last minute, so this will be a great makeup-day for those of you who missed the chance to meet him! Not only that, but if you picked up one of the prints we had available at HeroesCon, featuring his INCREDIBLE badge images, you'll be able to finally get it signed! And if you didn't get one, don't worry--we still have some left!

The Charlotte Minicon will go on January 19th in the Palmer Building at Fireman's Hall--just a few blocks away from our store, at the corner of E. 7th and E. 5th Streets! The room will be jam-packed with dealers from all over the Southeast, and there are still more special guests we'll be announcing in the weeks leading up to it, so stay tuned! Best of all, in lieu of admission, there's a suggested donation of $3-$5 (or more, you're so generous) to the MS Society for attendees--so you can not only enjoy a great 1-day comic convention, but help a great charity at the same time. Wow, you're the best!


Rusty Baily said...

NO! You're the best! I loved the Mini-con so much last year, I think we should do it every month!

Anonymous said...

how about the hours of the con?

Dustin Harbin said...

Good point! 11am to 5pm.

Herbster said...

SNOW be damned we will be there!

Anonymous said...

The Charlotte Mini-Con was great no matter what my wallet says!

Nicole Short said...

I am excited about attending this event and supporting such an important cause.