Tuesday, December 4, 2007

HEROESCON :: Georges Jeanty, JD Mettler, Jim Clark, and Kody Chamberlain!

As promised, here is the first in a series of HeroesCon 08 Guest List additions! We're super-pleased to welcome back to HeroesCon Georges Jeanty, penciller on Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 8; plus Ex Machina alums JD Mettler and Jim Clark; and first-timer Kody Chamberlain, artist on 30 Days of Night: Bloodsucker Tales and Beowulf. Georges, JD, and Jim are old chums--hopefully they'll be nice to Kody, and not razz him or give a lot of painful noogies and so forth. But they probably will--so much for Southern hospitality.

And that's not all, remember--look for another big announcement later in the week, not to mention some big developments outside of the Guest List! Very exciting stuff--HeroesCon 08 is going to be the biggest one ever!

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