Not only that, but our first Singles Night is being co-sponsored by the Sweet On Geeks dating site and Geek Monthly magazine, which means everyone who shows up can register for a free 3-month trial of Sweet On Geeks, and there'll be free copies of Geek Monthly magazine while supplies last! Plus t-shirts and tons more!
And not only that but the event has been picked up by a ton of regional print, radio, and TV media, so we're expecting a real crowd--don't miss it!
So to sum up: the date is tonight, February 22, 2008. The time is 7-9 pm, and the cost is FREE! See you there!
So, how did it go?
I'm preparing an excited and overblown report for our Flickr page now, Warren, and should have it up within the next couple of hours. I took too many pictures.
The short version:
1) Great turnout.
2) Surprisingly high girl-to-guy ratio, which was great.
3) Shelton decided to provide beer and wine for free, with predictable resulting exuberance displayed by all.
More details to follow!
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