And on the DC tip, fan-favorite artist Ethan Van Sciver will be appearing at HeroesCon as well this summer--Ethan has become a popular guest at the show over the last few years, and will know doubt have long lines once more this year with his work on Flash Rebirth and the big DC event, Blackest Night!
Oh, and there's still another big publisher announcement to make, but I think I'll save that one for next week when I have a few more details locked down. Let's just say that it's going to be a banner year this year!
You should arrange a DC booth/Indie Island pie fight or something.
With DC setting up shop, hopefully that means more DC creators and artist will be present. The guest list seems heavy on the Marvel and Indie side.
I'd like to see Gail Simone (any Nicola Scott) invited. She (they) has (have) argubably the hottest book in comics right now with Secret Six.
I second that on Gail Simone... she's FAB.
Having Dwayne McDuffie at the con would be a treat, too.
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