Now, I know you're thinking--wait, weren't there supposed to be an ambitious SIX Indie Island shirts? I know, I know--I haven't forgotten. But it was ambitious, wasn't it? Well, I'm working on it--you should concentrate on just how great you're going to feel wearing this shirt, available in a MULTITUDE of different sizes, and in some non-American Apparel styles too. I know, I know--my mistake. But I'm making good on it!
I'd write more but I've got to go sleepy-bye, so I can wake up early and get back to work on the greatest HeroesCon of all time! I just got back from a pre-show staff meeting, and it looks like we're really firing on all cylinders. We'll be bringing our "A" game this year, so you'd better bring a real high level game as well. At LEAST "B" level, I'm thinking. B+ would probably be better.
That's a sweet shirt bossman!
This one is mos def my choice as favorite and supreme ruler of all other Indie Island shirts....mostly because there's a tiara on one of the skulls! Gotta have that'un!
Love it! I haven't bought a M&C t-shirt since 1993, but I'm thinkin' that streak might end soon.
Oh my God -- that just made my day. That couldn't be more perfect. I'll take a Large.
that totally rules. :)
You are all right--Evan and Sarah really knocked it out of the park. And to reiterate: this shirt will be available in a PANOPLY of sizes and styles, so we'll be able to clothe the world, or at least part of HeroesCon with it.
Can your shirts be offered in Previews (Diamond)? Thanks!
Negatory, BigBot--but if we have any left over after the convention, we'd be happy to ship one to you. Hit us up a week (or two, we'll be tired) after the convention.
Wait, aren't you coming?
Won't be able to make it. Please save me 10 shirts in XL, if you can. Can I pre-order with paypal? Thanks!
BigBot, why don't you contact me directly--dharbin[@]heroesonline[dot]com.
Mail sent. Thanks!
Do you have these in double love? xxl baby?
Yes! Sizes from S up to XXL in regular shirts, AND hipster American Apparel sizes too, up to XL. We am learn from mistake.
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