Dave Dorman and Scott Hampton need no introduction to people who attend HeroesCon each year, but just in case: Dave is the highly recognizable painter of literally ZILLIONS of Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and many other high-profile properties! Scott is another high-profile painter, although most of his work is on the macabre side of things. Besides work on SPOOKHOUSE and an issue of DC's SOLO dedicated to him, Scott has also provided the gorgeous art to BATMAN: GOTHAM COUNTY LINE and HELMET OF FATE, among many others.
Rod Whigham really should have been on the guest list a month ago, but I totally spaced! Sorry, Rod! Rod's worked all over the place, on titles as diverse as PUNISHER, JUSTICE LEAGUE, FLASH, and DOC SAVAGE, as well as many others. These days he draws the newspaper strip GIL THORP!
And a couple more names to add to the Cancellation list--unfortunately our buddies John Lucas and John Beatty won't be able to come this year, although hopefully we'll be able to get them back next year! You can see a list of all the cancellations on our Guest List page, underneath the "RECENT ADDITIONS" column.
Hi Dustin,
I just wanted to drop you a note, I know how busy everyone's been. I wanted to know if it was possible to get a professional pass at the show I had written to you and Shelton once before but haven't recieved a response. :)
I have set up a few meetings with folks I am currently working with like Sean Taylor. I'd like to be able to have a pro pass to indentify myself to other editors and pros. I have been a former Heroes guest.
You can see my professional work over at:
A site run by Huntress: Year One author Ivory Maddison. :)
You can contact me at
Impulse545@aol.com if you wish!
Thanks! I'm looking forward to being a part of Heroes even if I have to wear one of my old passes and purchase a ticket. :) It's been 4 years since I was last there, and I missed it more than I can say.
Danny, I'll contact you privately, but the short version is YES! I wish I could offer you a table space, but at this point I'm begging people to share just to fit everyone in!
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