In a development that's actually a few weeks old, but was made official at last week's staff meeting, our very own Shawn Reynolds has moved to a full-time position as Store Manager. This means that now Shawn is your first stop for suggestions about the store, complaints about Jason Wheatley, and any other store-related topics you'd like to discuss. Congratulations, Shawn!
The Golden Age has just gone PLATINUM!!! Way to go Shawn
Congrats, Shawn!
Even though I already told you before I left (I think), congrats! Where's my last paycheck?
Also Shawn, Jason keeps calling what I have a man purse when it is clearly a satchel. I have had two experts (and clearly not people I know or go to school with here) verify that what I use is clearly a satchel. What actions are you going to take against this clear level of harassment?
Is encouragement an action?
I think someone mailed it last week so you should be getting it soon.
Do you remember when Jon Lovitz left Saturday Night Live, but still showed up all the time? For some reason, Dan reminds me of that.
Congrats! I hope one of your first orders of business is to have everyone perfect the Oompa Loompa-bobbing that you and Adam were working on...
First, Dan, I only called it a man purse (or a "murse," if you will) one time. That does not fall under the definition of harassment.
Second, if it walks like a man purse and talks like a man purse...
Oh, and Shawn - sweet burn. :)
wheatley kissing it already.
Shawn, get your staff in line!
Congrats Shawn! :)
Thanks everyone! I appreciate the kind words and the kissing up and the constant bickering.
Remember all the little guys now! Those whose back's you crawled and scratched to get to the top!
Congrats!!!!! It couldn't happen to a better person!!!!
Congrats, Shawn!
You guys are so nice. =0)
congrats shawn!
poor rustys got scars all over him
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