I'm just kidding--I know you wouldn't forget. BUT in case you were
thinking about maybe forgetting before too long, don't do it! Forget what? That's
exactly the kind of thing I'm talking about.
Scott Pilgrim creator
Bryan Lee O'Malley will be appearing in our store on
Friday, October 5th, at
7pm, specifically to meet
you: so if you don't show up, it's going to be super embarassing for him. I've only met him a couple of times, but he seems like a really nice guy--he might even be The One--so if you mess this up for me I will be so
To that end, I've prepared a couple of items that will not only keep the event fresh in your mind, but will allow you to help us promote it. Clicking
right here, or on the big black & white image above, will open a .pdf file in a new window, which you may then print and distribute to your local record stores, used book stores, hip restaurants, punk rock club bathrooms, etc. Or, if analog is too boring for you, feel free to swipe this little web banner I made. You can put it on your own sites/blogs OR send it to all your friends in e-mail form! That will show analog who's the boss!
Hmm. Bryan Lee O'Malley is in Charlotte the same night as the Foo Fighters. Do I go emo or headbanger that night?
Man, I was just saying earlier today how I wanted to see the Foo Fighters in concert, and someone told me they had a Charlotte show coming up. At least now I know the date...although I'm sure it's too late to get tickets anyway. I guess there's always their next tour. It also solves the dilemma of what event to attend.
Good luck with that, Rich!
Sorry, Jason but according to Ticketmaster the show is not yet sold out. The dilemma drags on...
Bryan Lee O'Malley is at 7 and Foo Fighters is at 8, you could always do both.
Where are they playing, like Verizon or wherever? You know that show's not starting on time. Plus, there must be an opening band or two. Get those panties off your head, Rich. Save them for the show: you can read your signed copy of Scott Pilgrim 3 while you wait to throw them at Dave Grohl's head.
It's very doable to do both. Cricket Arena- very close to the store. Opening act? Never heard of them.
Foo-Fighters......ppsshh!!! I scoff at Foo-Fighters! Real men go see Van Halen tonight!!!!
'Cause I'm your Ice Cream man,
stop me when I'm passin' by,
All of my flavors are guaranteed to satisfy!!!!!!!!!!!
Rusty, Rusty, Rusty...don't be knockin' the Foos, foo'!
The other thing about going to the Foo Fighters is I don't have anyone to go with (cue sad music and violins).
If I was still living in Rock Hill I could so make this after getting off work... now that I live 2 hours away and am suddenly the most frustrated person on earth.. ah well.. I will advertise the event on my blog regardless. All of you dopes enjoy yourself while you yuck it up with someone who's inspired me since I was in flippin' highschool!
Dear P: Think positive. Step 1: leave work early. Step 2: Come over here. Step 3: Meet Bryan and have a good time. Step 4: Go home satisfied. I'll even buy you a coffee if you make it.
Dear P,
I go to school 4 hours away from Heroes and I am making this trip. I say take up Dustin's offer of going to this shindig.
Dan Morris
I Just got t'ings worked out so that I could go to this event. I'm even trying to get things worked out so that I won't be there late.. but we'll see. If I was working as a drawer of things like I want to be then it'd probably easier but my current employers give not the s-word about the event so I'm pulling out favors and jumping through loop-holes and the like to get this to work.
yours truly.. me.
Dear P: When you get here, let me know what kind of coffee you want. Nothing girly, unless P stands for Pam. I'll be the tall gangly guy with the problematic teeth.
More great news...Bryan Lee O'Malley reported yesterday on his blog that Scott Pilgrim Vol. 4 is finished and off to the printers! Hooray!!!
We want to make a good impression, so when any of you see Dan Morris asking for a Godzilla drawing--STOP him!!! grab the mace!!!
WHAT? NO GODZILLA? I drive 4 hours from the city of Savannah and no Godzilla? You are cruel, cruel one Mr. Mansell!
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