Well, it had to happen, didn't it? In a grossly time-consuming process, I've set up the all new Heroesonline Myspace identity. Do you want to be our friend? Sure you do! In this day and age, you don't really know who your friends are--that's where the Internet comes in. With Myspace and other similarly ingenious web-based services, you not only can have your friends identified for you digitally, but hosts of other new "friends" can find you. Why, in the last ten minutes, we've gotten friend requests from Angela, Phoebe, Bertha, Linda, and Candy, all of whom are apparently the same waitress at Hooters. Also 2 reggaeton bands are feeling very friendly toward us. It is our sincere hope that you are feeling friendly toward us as well: if we can't be friends on Myspace, then how can we be friends at all?
I'll wait until you start a Facebook Group.
Every time I go on Myspace I end up kidnapped and tied up in someone's basement.
Facebook? Isn't that for girls? I'll have to check on that. Let's see, I'll just Google "Is Friendster For Girls?"... Oh, it looks like it is. Why, just on the first page there are mentions to girls' clubs, girls-only layouts, and Powerpuff Girls stuff. Oh, Rich...
Your myspace page needs serious work.
You mean, there are gross errors all over the place, or it's seriously boring? Boring I can handle--I'm not sure I want one of these jazzy profiles that slow download time, etc.
It needs butterflies, with Lincln Prk songs and a cartoon and 14 links to u-tube and those pictures that flash by olde-timey style and a chance to win a free I-pod! Please make sure that anonymous users voices are heard!
Thanks for not making it one of those monstrosities!
........ ill add you......
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