reviewed by Dustin Harbin
Okay, so as I described in my post-SPX photo report, I picked up The Mourning Star almost completely by accident, and mostly due to a string of recommendations, one mistaken rhyming name, and a case of reluctant-buyer's guilt. Let me preface this review by saying that this book had already been lauded half to death by the time I happened up on it: in most cases, anything I "discover" has been cool for months by that time, if not completely blase already. I was probably one of the few people in the room that had not read the thing. Anyway, I'm just saying I didn't know anything about the book, and left the Bodega table kicking myself for having spent even more money.
So I shared one of those nutty Supershuttle things to the airport, which had the unfortunate result of me showing up at the terminal more than an hour before my flight was scheduled to board. Nightlife at SPX is the best, so I was ready to sleep, but I was too afraid I'd snooze right through my flight. What to do? When I opened my bag, which was stuffed to overflowing with all the mini's and books I'd bought or was handed over the weekend, there on the top was The Mourning Star. Oh, alright Mourning Star. For thirteen bucks, you'd better keep me awake.

The same rough hand-lettering is continued on the succeeding few pages, drawing in rough strokes the backstory of this world. It was very much like the intro to a serialized TV show--remember the A-Team? Each episode would start with the little story of how Hannibal and the boys were done wrong by the government, and thus forced to ply their trade as mercenary do-rights, and so on. Or David Lynch's awful Dune adaptation, which compresses several thousand years of backstory into a klunky intro piece that lasted something like 20 minutes or so. Ditto here, except that Kaz--as people call him, and which I want to call him, too--just throws out the bare bones of this dystopian future in a few pages, and then launches right into the story, which opens on a relatively bucolic little farm scene which immediately turns violent and sad.
Still no copyright, other-works-by-this-author-include, ISBN number, nothing. I think I actually stopped and flipped back through the pages to see if I'd missed something. There I was in the Baltimore airport, trying to figure out how to work this comic book. Don't get me wrong: I was already hooked. I was sold. I was already thinking to myself, "How do you pronounce "S-T-R-Z-E-P-E-K", anyway?"
Here's the thing about The Mourning Star: it's one of those things that rides the line between innocuous and terrible; between friendly and savage. These are usually my favorite things. Kaz's art at first looks closer to the world of minicomics than to a long-form narrative--it's easy to imagine these characters complaining to each other about something, or skipping rope or drinking beer in someone's 16-page autobio comic. The expressions are funny, simplistic, even silly in places: which is what makes it shocking when characters start to experience real sadness, terror, even death. You're left pretty quickly with the impression that any person you see on the page could die at any moment, without warning or preamble, and most likely without mourning.
This is what people call "drama", and is something a lot of more trained and experienced writers strive in vain to achieve in their stories. Somehow twentysomething Kaz has made it seem effortless; the fact that the art and much of the dialogue seems light and carefree only increases the tension for me.

I have to say, I love it. In a medium that is so incredibly young, comics only rarely seem to be all that experimental, beyond the daring it takes to tell your story with a bunch of sequential images instead of just boring old words. Not that this book is all that experimental, I guess, but it's a little more sophisticated than I'd expected from someone who I'd barely heard of, and most of whose work had appeared in mini-comics and anthologies. Even better that it's a sophistication of storytelling, of writing, rather than a bunch of worrying about how sweet the cross-hatching is or how anatomically correct someone's thigh muscles are. It's quiet and it's effective. The Mourning Star is a story that seems to drift pretty effortlessly between comical and incredibly violent.
Here's something I noticed in re-reading the book for this review: the story bounces back and forth between groups of characters, Star Wars-style, as each group moves closer and closer to each other. Each time the focus of the story moves from one group of characters to another, the color of the paper changes from white to black or vice versa. It almost seems as if certain characters are always on black pages, but I haven't been able to scientifically prove this yet. Is this an exciting innovation? Maybe. If so, it's over my head; but it reminds me of the way that Paul Grist used different backgrounds in Kane to denote the difference between present-day action and flashbacks.

Last innovation: besides The Mourning Star itself, Mr Strzepek (who is not the other "Kaz", who's been around a lot longer) has done a number of related stories which have appeared in various places. What's innovative is that of the four or five "side" stories that I've read now, all of them are part of the main story without being absolutely necessary. For instance, the one in the new Awesome! Indie Spinner Rack Anthology involves some of the bad guys on their way to a scene within the book itself, but delayed because of a roadside bandit. It could easily be included in the book itself, but instead it's just a little gem you discover that deepens the character of the world of The Mourning Star. As a publishing model it's pretty free-form--Kaz seems able to tell his story wherever he gets an opportunity.
I think I'm out of stuff to say about it, without getting specific about story elements--but I'd prefer that you read it yourself, rather than ruin any of those surprises for you. For instance, the incredible number of beheadings--oops! Shut my mouth! Go find the book yourself: also worth getting are Papercutter (#5 has a Mourning Star story in it, but all 6 issues are great--I'm working on getting some for the store) and the aforementioned Indie Spinner Rack anthology. You can find out more about Kazimir Strzepek at this website, or at his MySpace page. Enjoy!
I got to read this comic after I saw it at the Silver Bullet Comics booth and seeing Tom Spurgeon place it on his list of the 50 best comics last year. It's easily one of my favorite comics I've read this past year and I'm looking forward to when he releases book 2. Seriously, this has to be one of the best adventure comics I've read in a long time.
Unbelievable-- how can a book so wonderfully mesh so many conventions in a fresh new direction? What a book. You can feel Jordan Crane's influence (in retrospect) but this book is all KAZ, a all post apocalyptical allegory-- if Mad Max was the one waiting for Godot-- but I don't want to over-intellectualize this. It is a joy to read. Demand Ms Reynold's stocks this book! Then buy it and devour it! You wont be disappointed and at $13.00 it is a steal!
And while we're at it, I think we should demand Ms. Reynolds to stock Daybreak by Brian Ralph. That has to be quite honestly one of my favorite zombie stories ever, mostly because its such an amazingly told comic. Seriously, why hasn't anyone ever thought about doing a comic told from the second person before this one?
Daybreak is back ordered right now. As for Mourning Star we currently have 4 copies of it on the rack. Feel free to suggest other things we should stock.
Wheeew! I think I'm just gonna go ahead and buy the book instead of finishing reading this review. If you're gonna put that many words on a page, include more pictures for people with incredibly low attention spans, like me. I tried reading this while at work, and never could quite get through it. I actually started reading it on the 15th of October at about 1:45 PM and, by the 19th of October at 10:04 PM, I was halfway through it.
What does "bucolic" mean anyway? And "Dystopian"? I'm sorry, but I didn't have my thesarus out when reading it, but was lost. The book sounds good, however, and I really want to pick it up. I've got a stack of stuff at home waiting to be read, but this sounds like it will go on top! I'm still trying to get this review read, so when I finish, maybe I'll add it to that stack. Maybe if you could type in shorthand. I don't think that'd help though. I can't read shorthand. I had a receptionist once that could, but she liked to smell sharpie pens and whiteout at break time, so we had to let her go. She was a nice lady though, she'd make brownie's everyweek, and spoiled us rotten. I miss her. She was kinda like if you mixed Flo from "Alice" and Roz from "Night Court" and roll in a little Rog from "What's Happenin?". God rest her soul .
Any-hoo, back to the review. It should be kinda short and sweet. Kinda like that Shawn reynolds. She's the most awesome employee Heroes Aren't Hard to Find has every had! (Besides Dusty of course) I think she was custom made for this job and needs a raise! She was telling me just the other day, how much she liked this book too. Just from her word alone, I would get this book, cause she's got great taste in stuff. And I like stuff, so I'll take her word for it.
You mentioned David Lynch's Dune. I personally don't care for this movie AT ALL. But I LOVE "Wild At Heart"! Nick Cage is the man! Except for Ghost Rider. He's not my first choice for that role, but I thought he gave a solid performance. They could have had a better sound track and made the movie more "Blade"-like. When I say more Blade-like I mean more gory violence. Not that I'm a big fan of gory violence, it just seems like they marketed this movie for 8 yr olds, and I'm sorry, but "Ghost Rider" is NOT 8 yr old material. But this is coming from somebody who was not allowed to watch "Ultra-man" as a kid, because the swirling goo at the beginning was deemed SATANIC by my mom. Still haven't seen much Ultra-man, but my best friend Jeff, who lives in Greensboro, recently went to Japan, and brought back an official Japanese UltraMan action figure. Can't decide if I should take him out of the box or not though. Tough call. Think I'll keep it in the box for the time being.
I like the reference to Star Wars, for the "jumping around in the book, character to character". Anything with a Star Wars reference has to be good.
I think I'm out of stuff to say about it, but I think I'll go on for a bit longer, just to illustrate my point. I'm watching Tranformers in the store right now while typing this, and I have to say, I've never been a huge Transformer fan, but this movie is AWESOME!!!! If it's missing tommorrow, it's because I took it to watch at home. But I can't tonight, because it's Heroes night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love me some Heroes. The Simpsons used to stand alone, as the only TV I watched, but now my Mondays are dedicated to Heroes. It's ingenious!!!!!!!!! I love it, and I'm so dedicated to this store, I'm working tonight. And I'm not quite high texh enough to have a DVR, but my VCR is programmed and waiting, so's I don't miss a minute! Everyone reading this(if there's still anybody reading these inane ramblings)should get online and check out the Heroes mini comics at NBC.com. They provide some valuable insight to the show. I'm such an uuber-nerd, I printed them out, and my ex actually took the time to put them in 3 ring notebook in protective sleeves for me. Guess I shoulda hung on to her, huh? But it's an awesome read, and can't wait for the HC Graphic Novel to come out in Dec. I believe it will be DC/Wildstorm production.
Oh, yeah, Morning star WAS good! I read it while typing this. I suggest you get it!
i think I'm about out of stuff to say about it, but then again, I think I could just go on forever, cause I just love computers sooooo much. (That's sarcasim). It's kinda like I was telling Shelton the other day......
Oh Rusty how I love you.
Like I said...
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