Oh man, oh man. Steve Saffel is one of our best buddies, so being able to host him for a signing of his new Spider-Man: The Icon coffeetable book is a rare treat. Such a treat that I've thrown together a little flyer that you, gentle reader, can print out and distribute to everyone you know that likes a) Spider-Man (that's everybody, right?); b) slick hardcovers (not quite as many people, but still a bunch); and c) Steve Saffel (everybody again).
The book itself details the many ways Spider-Man is portrayed, seen, marketed and merchandised around the globe, from toys to television and beyond, both here and abroad; with a generous helping of history and entertaining anecdotes surrounding the famous webslinger. Complete with hundreds of pictures, Steve has put together a really great addition to any library. Or coffeetable, although if you ask me or Todd, we'll tell you quickly that fancy hardcovers are not for touching by just anybody. But you do what you want with yours.
Steve will be appearing in our store on Saturday, November 3rd, from 2-5 pm. He'll not only be signing copies of the book, but he's one of the most personable guys you could ever hope to meet, so I'm sure he'll be telling a lot of stories.
You can find out more about Spider-Man: The Icon at the offical website.
1 comment:
Man, I work on all the RIGHT days!!! I love my job, and can't wait to see Steve!
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