Well, not only was Steve Saffel's big store signing on Saturday a big success--Shelton says Steve ended up staying until 8.30 that night talking to people and signing books--but we also decided to have a little reception the night before to celebrate the release of Steve's new book! Spider-Man: The Icon is a giant coffee-table type book Steve has authored, which is chock the heck full of photos and history surrounding Spider-Man and the many many pieces of pop culture ephemera created in his name over the years. I won't go into too much detail, here, as I just finished spending most of the day uploading these photos--why not go check out the report over on our Flickr site?
Dustin, you took some really good pictures. However, that close up of me is bloody awful.
Thanks for the super-customer comments. (However, it is my wife's money that deserves most of the thanks!) The evening was a delight. Great conversation, a great guest and --as always-- a great atmosphere in the store. BRAVO!!!
That signing was Saff-tastic! Like a kitten in a hammock.
What happened to our close-up, Dustin? I'm hurt. Did Tracy get jealous?
For the record, I only grabbed that Woodchuck because it was the last of the boozeahol. But since no one's judging, it was pretty tasty.
All kidding aside, Friday night was a blast. It was great meeting Steve, who was a nice guy if there ever was one, and getting to hear all his stories - not just about Spider-Man, but about what goes into putting together a book like Spider-Man: The Icon. Anyone who missed out on talking to him really DID miss out!
And I would be remiss not to mention the other highlight of the night - Baron Daniel Von Egidy so graciously handing me his weight in comedy gold. Four words: Sleepy Time Donut Kitty. Need I say more?
And Shawn, when did you turn British?
I think I had just read an email from Warren Ellis.
Daniel will never live that down. I'm sure we all will see to that.
I have nothing to live down. Nothing!
Man how come all the events with booze happen when I leave :(
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