Well, now it is time we MAKE time! Presenting the Heroes Aren't Hard to Find Discussion Group. The first meeting will be Monday, March 24th at 7:00pm in the store. We hope to meet on the third Monday of every month and discuss a different piece of graphic literature. Our first book will be Alan Moore and Kevin O'Neill's League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Volume One, published by ABC Comics/DC and available at Heroes for 19.95.
The book has some mature content, so everyone mature enough to buy the book is invited to join in the discussion. All we ask is that you read the book before the meeting and come prepared with an opinion and an open mind. If you loved it, tell us why; if you were disappointed, explain why... Does it hold up to second reading and various other topics: and the last 15 minutes of the meeting will be a battle royale to decide what book will be discussed at the next meeting.
So come one, come all... We can hardly wait...
Will wine and cheese be provided, along with pipes and smoking jackets? Potentially monocles?
On a Monday? Really? I have Shaolin class that evening. You should do it on a day that's not a Monday or a Wednesday. And yes, I think all schedules should revolve around me. I'm self-centered like that.
Yes, but you have nearly a month to plan. May I suggest that you begin lobbying to move your Shaolin class to a Tuesday? Besides, all Shaolin classes always take place during daylight. The only thing that happened at night was when Cain would go to his master for advice, and he'd tell him some crazy Zen parable. Even when he hoisted that hot pot it was daytime.
They have classes on Tuesdays but if I go to that, then I'll have two days of classes back to back and it really hurts if I do that. Besides, the Tuesday classes really suck. *sigh* Maybe I can go to class on Sunday morning instead of Monday night so I can go. But only because I love you guys and I think the discussion group is a stellar idea.
Hmm, I just might show up for this.
We will do our level best to make it worth your while
Bring it, "Monk"! If you've never met Andy, he's a breed apart, and will deliver the most thought out commentary on this book you can imagine. Plus most of us will be there, and what I suspect will be a metric ton of our more literary customers--this should make Singles Night look silly!
I don't know...there were tasty beverages at singles night. But it do sound interesting. I've been meaning to read LOEG, now I have to!
Although, I've always been a lazy cheat. Would I be outted if I just watch the movie?
Rusty, I've only seen a little bit of that movie, but I hear it was terrible. Didn't it have something to do with Sean Connery retiring from acting?
The book, however, is incredible.
If you watch the movie as a substitute for reading the book, you should officially be punished with medieval devices. The film is an ungodly abomination.
Yeah, it wasn't great.
But I did watch it. Medieval devices should be used...I've been bad....
*headdesk* Improper motivation!
Ladies and Gentlemen, the one and only Rusty Bailey, professional scoundrel.
But...they had a car in the movie! They didn't have a car in the book! How is that not more awesome?!?
Why the movie failed could certainly be considered a topic of discussion, but I would want to keep it more along the lines of how the story succeeded as a graphic novel aimed as adults instead of as a feel good PG-13 buddy adventure. What next?: Jackie Chan as John Constantine and Chrisr Tucker as Swamp Thing in Rush Hour 4...brrrr
For the record, I hope everyone realizes I was kidding about the car thing. That movie was...not very good.
(seriously-the special effects weren't bad....)
Special effects don't make up for the fact that the movie was an abomination that should have never been produced. Stop living a lie and just go read the book. You'll feel better about yourself if you do.
Let us be completely frank: The movie, with the addition of Tom Sawyer, cars, and other brilliant plot devices far surpassed the graphic novel, and moved it from an above average piece of picto-fiction to the pinnacle of Hollywood story-telling. Why, it joins the company of classics auteurs such as Michael Bay, Brett Ratner, McG and latter day George Lucas.
I can only assume that Alan Moore looked upon this revised work and smiled, knowing that they brought a completion that he hadn't even noticed was missing
You, sir, are a genius and made of win.
My mother says I am special, but not unique.
I think I get out of class just in time to make it up there. It sounds like a whole lot of awesome.
All the good movie jokes have been done. I hate you guys.
"Jackie Chan as John Constantine and Chrisr Tucker as Swamp Thing in Rush Hour 4...brrrr"
Yeah, that does sound terrible but I'd pay good money (bad money as well) to see it.
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