Regardless, this will be the first HeroesCon for both halves of this husband/wife comics machine--which advances our plan to have all of comics' famous couples in attendance. Why just off the top of my head I can name Bryan and Hope, Stuart & Kathryn Immonen, Matt Fraction and Kelly Sue DeConnick, Evan Dorkin and Sarah Dyer... I know there are a bunch more, but my brain stopped working.
But wait, there's more! Also attending their very first HeroesCon/Indie Island this summer are indie up-and-comers Matt Bernier and Hilary Florido! We just today got a box full of Matt's sweet mini- (actually maxi--they're kind of big for minicomics) comics in the mail, including Out of Water and Potato Autopsy. He's also had work in the Awesome! Indie Spinner Rack Anthology and Critical Citadel. Hilary's books include The True Heart, The Girl's Guide To Stuff, and Ofuro.
Be sure and welcome all four of these guys to their first HeroesCon! Which, fortunately, is going to be the best one ever, which should make a good impression. Another guest list update this Friday!
Put those Bernier minis in my bin please!
For those who were not at the O'Malley signing-- he is a great guy..Is he still planning to move down here?
Who knows what goes on in the minds of these artsy types? Besides, it'd be boring if we could see him and Hope like, every day.
Who is this Andy person? I love you! Bring them by my table when I come and I'll sign em' for you!
Uh, Andy be careful about accepting invitations you get on the Internet...
Oh, er, family blog, Matt! Ixnay on the irty-day alk-tay!
Sorry, I thought you were setting me up for that joke with the internet invitation comment.
For the folks who missed it, to put this Ira Glass style, I made a Hi-LAROUS comment parodying the language used in sexually-themed spam.
Man, you artist types with all your tee-tee/ca-ca! I'll set you up better and more clearly next time, so we end up more like the Globetrotters than the Generals.
This is me, giddy with excitement about Bryan Lee O'Malley!
It doesn't look much different than the regular me, except it's just a little sillier.
Yes, I do get even sillier.
I really enjoyed all of the minis! Especially Out of the Water. Your cartooning skills were on wonderful display in the Giraffe and the Rhino. Good stuff!
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