Both shirts look AMAZING, even better than I thought they would. Hats off to our friends at Contagious Graphics, who really do first-rate work, and were extra helpful throughout the process of getting these set up.
If you're seeing these for the first time, a quick review: they're the first two of a planned series of 6 total shirts, each featuring the art of a different Indie Island guest. Once we have them in hand, they'll sell for $20 apiece, plus $5 if you need it shipped within the continental U.S. These are very limited, so if I were you I'd get yours as soon as possible! If you like, I am keeping a little waiting list for when they show up, so feel free to post that you'd like one, especially if we actually know you, which will give your place on the waiting list a little more weight should fights break out.

Oh hey, here's that LiveJournal syndication link I forgot to send you. Those are some sweet ass modeling skills you've got there.
Ixnay on the Err-sways, Sarah! But thank you very much for the link--and sorry again about crushing your poor head--I had the shot and I took it!
id definitely like to be on the waiting list for a Mahfood shirt. keep me in mind!
Oh, I forgot to mention--what size? Anyone else asking for a shirt, please stipulate the size--we'll have Mediums mainly, and a few Girls' Mediums and Larges. These are American Apparel shirts, so they fit more snugly than normal shirts. Sexy!
Sorry, I always manage to be horribly inappropriate at all times. Oh, and I actually love the picture of my head being crushed. Totally added it as one of my faves on Flickr.
NICE! I'm printin' out the bottom pic to hang on my wall! I wonder how large they can print that?
It's really sad how many times I had to take that bottom picture before Dusty was satisfied with it.
I think he calls that one "Le Tigre." It's a little softer; he uses it mainly for catalog work.
Well, I'm using it for my computer desktop. So HAWT!
I hope I'm on your list for the FoodOne shirt (medium). I'd hate to have take one of yours away.
Did you guys know the original artwork for that shirt is for sale at www.scottedergallery.com?
I still say we should use those shirts as the staff shirts for the COn-- they rock!!
Hopefully it won't sell--Jim said we can auction it off if it doesn't.
I mean, I hope it DOES sell. But secretly, no, I hope it doesn't sell.
"Le Tigre"....That's Hi-larious. This is me laughin' my B-hind off!!!
Actually, I call that look "City of Angels". It's also how I look when I smooch.
In fact, that is often how you look when you smooch. Que' bonita!
Ooh--be careful, lady! My girlfriend might read this. I save the "City of Angels" kisses for my weekend girls.
Love the mahfood shirt, I'll be a walking Heroes banner at skewl.
these pictures are hilarious!!
and... i may just be totally oblivious and computer unsavvy, but if you made a list, i couldn't surf the interweb well enough to find it...
do you know which artists are working on the other four shirts?
I do know, Bridgit, but I haven't announced them yet. But they're all AWESOME, if that helps any.
ahhh gotcha. sneaky! ;^)
i'm sure they are!! i shall sit in further suspenses.
May I humbly invite you to sit in suspenses WHILE WEARING an Indie Island t-shirt you have just purchased. I'm going to have a hard time convincing Shelton to print the rest of the series if we don't sell a lot of the ones we have.
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