I know, I know--as if I would tell you if it were a big
failure. But hey, no lie: a ton of people showed up for
Singles Night last Friday, and it was super fun. I suspect much of the reason was that Shelton decided at the last second to provide beer and wine; whatever the cause, by 8 o'clock or so the joint was
jumping! Lots of guys and girls, lots of music, lots of conversation--I'm not sure how many love connections were made, but we weren't doing any exit polls, either. Suffice it to say that we had such a great time that we'll definitely be doing this again! Next up on the schedule will be the brand new
Discussion Night we're planning, which readers of the
Heroes Hotline may have noticed on Friday. But that's a blog post for another day, one which I'll leave to
Andy Mansell, who'll be running the discussion.
For a complete rundown of the night with a ton of color 8 x 10 glossies with the circles and the arrows on the back of each one, check out our
Flickr set devoted to the event. And thanks to everyone who made our first Singles Night such a big success! Extra special thanks to the
Sweet On Geeks website and
Geek Monthly magazine, who provided tons of free stuff and really got the word out--you guys are the best!
"I'm not sure how many love connections were made, but we weren't doing any exit polls, either"
We could just wait until November, and see how many new babies named "Dustin" and "Shelton" appear in the greater Charlotte area.
I'll have you know that "Dusty" is a suitable name for girl and boy babies. Also "Dharbin", which lends a certain Asia Minor flair to it.
Nice photos Dustin!!! Singles night was a smashing success!!! We gotta do that again! Not to mention, it makes that Friday night shift go much faster when there's purty girls to talk to!
I had a great time. Next time, I'll wear a costume too.
If at all possible, I'll use my contacts to have Batman show up at the next Single's Night!
Great pics. The store always looks fabulous.
Oh look, there's the back of my head.
Maybe we should just break down and have a "Cosplay Night"? Now let's see--which nights does Phil work?
OOOOOO, even geeky-er...I'm in!
You do cosplay night and have it on a night that Phil works, I'll flyer the thing down here! I guarantee that people from SCAD will show up!
I do not want to be associated with anything that hosts a "Cosplay Night."
That is, of course, unless furries are invited.
Congrats! The rest of us--out of the demographic-- ate at Denny's by 5:00pm to beat the rush, watched the Matlock Marathon on the Hallmark Channel and went to bed early. Jealous? I think so.....
If you do a cosplay night, I guarantee I can get at least one or two cute Asian girls there in somewhat provocative attire.
Wow--I never expected the [joking] reference to a cosplay night to get such traction. I don't know whether to be happy or terrified. Although if it were on a night that Phil worked, he could "cosplay" as Indiana Jones' dad. "We named the DOG Indiana."
Did someone say furries?
I like the way Sarah thinks.....
2 is better than one,
3 is better than 2,
and so on....
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