Thursday, August 28, 2008


Now up on Newsarama is an article I wrote for Matt Brady on selling Watchmen to customers--very apropros considering this Saturday's Watchmen Discussion Group. Matt asked me to write something after a conversation he and Shari Brady and I had at the recent Mark Millar/Tony Harris signing. Sweet! This will increase the value of any copies of Superior Showcase #3 I've signed for anyone, so all FOUR of you go ahead and start thinking of how to spend all that money!


Phil Southern said...
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Phil Southern said...

Thank goodness, my baby needs Similac!

Jason Wheatley said...

Wow, and I thought Dusty was in love with himself he'll never put that hand-held mirror down! Thanks a lot, Newsarama!

Neil said...

I wonder how much my General Melee drawing will be worth then. :)

Anonymous said...

I wonder... oh, nevermind.

Andy Mansell said...

What I would be interested to know is what the gateway folks thought of the second choice you suggested. did they come back for thirds? If so, what?

I think Dustin hit it right on the head...follow Alan Moore for a while... it used to be about the character, and then it was about the artist, but now, it seems to me, it is the writer that can attract a consistent draw.
From Hell-- would the next book be V for Vendetta or the Alec stories. My guess would be V. But I could be wrong and I always digress.

Nice wrting as usual MR Harbin!!

Dustin Harbin said...

Thanks, Andy!

Chris, I SWEAR I will hook up your copy at SPX, if not draw you something bigger if you want it, just for having me at your booth.

Jason, I AM in love with myself, but it's not my face, believe me. If it were a handheld anything, it would be a tape recorder.

Neil: your General Melee will not be worth anything until Guy sends it to me--I should tickle him again. Or are you referring to the one in your copy of the comic? THAT one is already priceless.

Rich Barrett said...

Nice article, Dustin!

I second Andy's curiosity about whether the gateways returned for thirds.

Dustin Harbin said...

Guys, are you kidding? I'm a RETAIL SUPERMAN. People always come back for thirds. Me + awesome store + great book = lifelong customer. I would point to you both (Rich and Andy) as examples, although I have to share the credit with the rest of the staff.