Today we've added a whopping NINE new names, hailing from the worlds of all-ages comics, newspaper strip comics, and in a few cases, both!
JIM AMASH is an old buddy of ours and an inker par excellence--besides inking a ton of different Archie comics like Sonic Universe, Jughead, and Veronica, he also works on the Spider-man newspaper strip's Sunday edition, and is one of the editors at Alter Ego Magazine!
JUNE BRIGMAN is currently drawing the Brenda Starr newspaper strip, and has also worked on Supergirl, Alpha Flight, Star Wars, and more!
TERESA DAVIDSON is an inker working primarily for Archie Comics, on Sonic Universe, Veronica, Sabrina, and many more. She's also worked for Disney, Marvel, DC, and Dark Horse!
IAN FLYNN is not just the writer of Sonic the Hedgehog and Sonic Universe, but one of our most regular customers in the store! AND you can meet him on Free Comic Book Day, coming up on May 2!
STEPHANIE GLADDEN has drawn for pretty much everybody, and including books like Powerpuff Girls, Flintstones, Sweatshop, Simpsons Comics, and more!
DAVE MCDONALD has worked in comics and television for years, most recently as the creator of Hamster Sam Comics!
ROY RICHARDSON has worked for pretty much every major publisher, on books including Captain America, Iron Man, Flash, and Tomorrow Knights, which he co-created. These days he works with June (his wife) on the Brenda Starr newspaper strip!
JIM SCANCARELLI is another one of our best local buddies, and a Charlotte treasure. He's the cartoonist behind Gasoline Alley, the longest running newspaper strip ever!
Last but not least is DON SHERWOOD, whose credits go all the way back to the 1960's, on books and strips including Dan Flagg, Sgt Preston of the Yukon, The Partridge Family, and his recent graphic novel, I Love A Mystery!
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