Whoa, two whole days this week without an update to the HeroesCon 09 Guest List? What gives?! Relax, relax... we've been dotting some other I's and crossing some other T's--one T in particular that finally got crossed this week was that we are now at last Twittering. So if you want the latest HeroesCon news in little 140-character or less bursts, feel free to begin following us!
A tweet I'll be twittering in just a moment is today's Guest List update, including more of our HeroesCon "family" members. This is really turning into one of our best ever Guest Lists, too, with peeps from all over the comics industry. Witness:
CHRIS BRUNNER just gets better every year, especially now that he lives around the corner from our store and we get to see him all the time. YOU may have seen him in the pages of Gotham Central, Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight, The Ride, or one of a billion trading cards. Don't miss his upcoming book Loose Ends from our buddies at 12 Gauge Comics, created with Jason Latour--that reminds me, I need to get Jason added to this fershlugginer list.
RICHARD CASE is one of our oldest friends, although he's not all that old. Although he's a quiet guy, he packs a lot of mojo into his drawing hand, with past work on Grant Morrison's now-classic Doom Patrol run, Sandman, and inking over the late great Mike Wieringo on Sensational Spider-Man. These days Rich is a concept artist at Red Storm Entertainment.
JOHN FLOYD has worked with some of the best in the business, including Joe Sinnott, Barry Windsor-Smith and more, on titles including Birds of Prey, Trinity, Silver Surfer, Rune, and more.
CRAIG ROUSSEAU is the co-creator of The Perhapanauts, with fellow buddy and guest Todd Dezago. He's also worked on Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane Season 2, Marvel Adventures Superheroes, Batman Beyond, Impulse, and many more!
CHRIS SAMNEE is attending his third consecutive HeroesCon, and gets a little more famous each time. These days his dance card is pretty full, and includes art on The Mighty, Area Ten, Dead of Night: Devil Slayer, Daredevil: Blood of the Black Tarantula, Checkmate (*draws breath*), Queen & Country, Capote in Kansas...
RENEE WITTERSTAETTER is also no stranger to HeroesCon, or to comics--she's worked on titles including Superman, Conan, She-Hulk, and many more. Most recently she's written The Art of Michael Golden and Tex: The Art of Mark Texeira.
Rounding out today's update in the cleanup position is KELLY YATES, whose creator-owned Amber Atoms series is still new enough for you to grab up all the issues. Kelly's also been in Doctor Who: The Forgotten, The Perhapanauts, Fear Agent, and many more.
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