Oh yes! New to the HeroesCon 09 Guest List today are Rantz Hoseley, the editor of the recent hit Comic Book Tattoo book from Image, AND Jason Levesque, the cover artist! While I believe Jason was at the show last year (although in stealth mode due to a last-minute appearance), this is he and Rantz's FIRST "official" appearance at HeroesCon, and I hope you'll welcome them with all the pomp and foofah that HeroesCon is known for.
Also new today is our man Andy Kuhn, who has worked all over the place during his career, most recently on the hit book Firebreather. He's also been penciller on Marvel Team-Up and IDW's The Easy Way. Welcome back, Andy!
Oh, and last thing--check out the image Roger Langridge did for our Art Auction! Fans of Doctor Who and The Muppets will go into paroxysms when they see this badboy--I've already had one request from a fan in the U.K. to be able to lodge a proxy bid at the auction!

Hey, just out of curiousity. Can you post the new "Follow" widget so fans can add you to the list of blogs they follow? I love that feature and I would love to follow this blog.
Where do I get that badboy? I want to knows more!
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