Friday, June 26, 2009

HEROESCON :: Dollar Bin Podcast Panels!

Hey! While I'm thinking about it, I wanted to point out that our bros at the Dollar Bin podcast recorded a TON of panels at HeroesCon, which they are putting up on their site one by one. You can find them in more or less one place here, and I'll try to update this blogpost as well. Many MANY MANY thanks to these guys, including Adam, Brian, Devin, Kris, Ted, and probably a bunch I'm forgetting. They worked super hard over the weekend, not just recording panels, but miking them and just generally being super awesome. You would be well-served to check out their podcast, whether it's Heroes-related or not!

Okay, panels up there so far:

"New Power Generation" Panel, featuring Matt Fraction, Brian Bendis, Ivan Brandon, Jonathan Hickman, Ed Brubaker, and Matt Brady.

"DC Universe" Panel, featuring DC editors Brian Cunningham and Ian Sattler, with special guests

"Marvel Pint O' CB" Panel, featuring Matt Fraction, Brian Bendis, Ed Brubaker, and Mark Waid

Mark Waid Interview

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