Friday, June 12, 2009

QUICK UPDATES :: Updated Small Press Locations, Schedule Additions, More!

Okay, super fast and dirty because WHOA NELLIE me and Shelton are working hard to get everything squared away in time for the big program book deadline tomorrow morning. But here are a couple of things I've just updated:

1) SMALL PRESS TABLES: I moved some around again. I'm sorry! But pretty much everybody that got moved (only a half-dozen or so), got moved to better spots. We're going to squeeze the Blood Drive in that corner so you guys aren't stuck in the dark corner trying to flag down fans. Also, everyone who's purchased space over the last week or so should now be listed, and the many of you who have been patiently waiting for me to remember to make the corrections you asked me for, those should now be made as well.

2) SCHEDULE: I've added a bunch of new panels, plus full details on all the Marvel panels (special guests galore!), the Steve Ditko focus panel (A+!), and a bunch more. I think my two favorite new things are the Jeff Smith documentary screening and the George Perez/Mark Waid Brave & The Bold panel-by-panel panel that Andy "Heroes Discussion Group" will be running.

3) GUEST LIST: has been tweaked a little, but not so's you noticed. There are some recent cancellations though, today including Jason Pearson and Sarah Wilkinson. That complete list is down under the con diagrams and so forth on the right side of the page.

I feel like there's something else but I can't remember. Either way, gotta get back to work! Wish me and Shelton luck!


Neil said...

Good luck on the final stretch! See you next week.

Anonymous said...

I saw that the quickdraw contest prize list is up:

First place gets the car.

Second place gets steak knives.

Third place gets fired!

You've been warned!

Shawn Daughhetee said...


Always be closing!

Anonymous said...

ABC: Always Be Conning! Heroes-conning, that is!

Anonymous said...

but where did SP-841 get moved to? I don't see it anywhere on the map since you added the Blood Drive.

Dustin Harbin said...

SP-841 no longer exists. Fire me off an e-mail if you have questions, and I can figure out exactly where your table is.