You know, a lot of what I do every day, socked away here in the office with stinky ole Todd, is work on the 2008 HeroesCon. But even I'm starting to be surprised by the number of people calling and e-mailing about the show. I mean, you can tell, right?--this is like the, let's see, SIXTH Guest List addition I've made in the last TWO WEEKS! Crazy! In any other year, this would be about right if the convention were a month or two away, but not with nearly nine months to go!
But look at my manners--here I am going on about myself, and not a word about our luminaries! Let it be known forthwith that newly added to our Heroes Convention 2008 Guest List are comics luminaries Dwight L. MacPherson (Surreal Adventures of Edgar Allan Poo), Chris Moreno (Paul Jenkins' Sidekick), and Rob Stull (52, Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man)! All three are returning regular guests, which we L-O-V-E love, and all three are total studs, which we're a little threatened by. But it's cool! What with our new foray into the world of Myspace, you don't need a crystal ball to know that we'll almost certainly be announcing even more updates here in the next little bit. Days? Weeks? I'm betting on days.
But look at my manners--here I am going on about myself, and not a word about our luminaries! Let it be known forthwith that newly added to our Heroes Convention 2008 Guest List are comics luminaries Dwight L. MacPherson (Surreal Adventures of Edgar Allan Poo), Chris Moreno (Paul Jenkins' Sidekick), and Rob Stull (52, Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man)! All three are returning regular guests, which we L-O-V-E love, and all three are total studs, which we're a little threatened by. But it's cool! What with our new foray into the world of Myspace, you don't need a crystal ball to know that we'll almost certainly be announcing even more updates here in the next little bit. Days? Weeks? I'm betting on days.
Good to see Dwight make a return appearance! Any chance of Thomas Boatwright attending? It'd be great to see those two together after their big release...
Ehh the guest list really does have so many big name people on it.. i guess its a good thing that you only charge 10 bucks to get in
Yeah, we're under some pressure--let's face it, we haven't raised our entry fee since maybe the late 80's? Early 90's? As the cost of organizing and promoting the convention--which are enormous--rise, it becomes harder to maintain the extra-friendly $10 rate, but we're continuing to try and find different ways to offset costs.
I can't wait! Whee!
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